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Read The Celestial Omnibus Online with a Free PDF

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More About E. M. Forster’s The Machine Stops 

The Celestial Omnibus Word Count: How long will it take me to read The Celestial Omnibus

With a word count of about 6,500 words, The Celestial Omnibus will take a typical reader about 25 minutes to finish, using an average reading speed of 250 words per minute. Most audio readings of The Celestial Omnibus last around 45 minutes, depending on the speed of the narrator. 

Author: Who was E. M. Forster, the author of The Celestial Omnibus?

Edward Morgan Forster was an English writer who was born in 1879 in London. He published The Celestial Omnibus in 1912, in the collection The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories. He died in 1970.